That was Friday between work and TYF. Off I went to TYF to do some more weaving. Sam and I took a rigid heddle loom weaving class with Terry. We finished with the warping and I was excited to finally start weaving. There is a lot of prep work involved in weaving, which definitely pays off. So what am I weaving?
I spun some thick and thin singles inspired by "Expressions in Spinning"; this is a group that meets at TYF once a month and draws inspiration from various themes. Last month's was poetry and Shel Silverstein was selected. I chose primary colors because his poetry reminds me of elementary school. Additionally, I had a lot of energy - so I decided to do lumpy bumpy coils around a core commercial yarn. Here are some pictures of my spinning:
Back to weaving. Terry suggested that I incorporate my coils into my weaving. What a great idea! Here are some pictures of the scarf that I am working on.
I love weaving and hope I get to do more of it. Sam and I have come up with a list of things that we can make. We have much love for the fiber.
Friday night, I began the latke venture and didn't finish until 1:15pm the next day (yes, that's Saturday). The really sad thing about my 7+ hours of latke cooking is that I didn't even make them from scratch, I used a mix. People loved them. Even a Jewish buddy said they didn't turn out so badly. I made over a 100 for a Chismakkah party that my gaybors hosted on Saturday evening.
I managed to get to TYF for a couple hours in the afternoon and ran into Chris. I love this picture of Chris and Sam knitting on the big sock.
I ran over to Betsy and Jeff's for their house warming party. They have such a cute home. I am so happy for them. They deserve only the best.
Geared up for the Chrismakkah party and headed across the street to my favorite gaybors' (Jeff & Brent).
Max and Gaby helped to host and they were the sweetest little elves ever.
They had the best tree ever! Jeff found a vintage 1950's foil tree (with a color wheel) at a garage sale a few years ago. This thing is awesome! They decorated with a pink feather boa, pink and black ornaments and to top it off (yes seriously) a vintage Cher doll from the 70's. Jeff even custom made her outfit.
So many faces that I hadn't see in a while. It was nice to celebrate with everyone! It was a huge success, we probably had about 50 attendees and my latkes got gobbled up ;)
Sunday, we went over to my BIL & SIL's (bro-in-law & sis-in-law) for a Hanukkah dinner. Ben made a beautiful brisket. I should have pulled out the camera and taken pictures. He bought a 12-pound brisket and 10 people managed to polish most of it off. We must have liked it or something...
I saw NEW MOON for the first time with my SIL and her mother and sister. It's silly to say, but "I loved it!"
What else? Oh, yeah! I'm working on Sam's Hanukkah present and both Ben and I are extremely excited about the way it's spinning up. I'm spinning up some BFL dyed by Dicentra Designs. I am in love! The color way is called ballerina, but we can't really figure out why. This fiber was definitely intended for Sam (the former ballerina) - it's KISMET! I'm going to 3-ply it. Woohoo!