It's been some time since I posted and that's primarily because I've stayed quite busy. I spend a lot of time at the gym, sewing, spinning, knitting, weaving... and working, of course, to do all of those other things. I have also hesitated composing a blog that was 100% frank about where I was physically.
About a month ago, I felt "comfortable" with the results that I had achieved. I was excited that I got under 200 lbs. and far enough from that point that I didn't see the need to keep going, but set my sights on maintaining. A month ago is when that all changed and someone said to me, "you should keep going." What? How far? That person suggested that I go for losing another 25 lbs. I always thought that was sort of a pie-in-the-sky goal.
I re-dedicated myself to the gym, started tracking my calories religiously and then made the decision to have a personal trainer push me more physically. I've drawn a lot of inspiration, during this time, from looking at pictures of people who have succeeded. While I feel like I've succeeded to a degree, it's hard to remember just how far I've come. For this reason, I've decided to publicly share images of my befores and afters.
The before pictures are incredibly painful to see. The after pictures remind me that there will still be "after" afters to come.
Here are the befores:
This is from Fall 2006, at one of my heaviest weights.
This photo is from Spring 2007, again at one of my heaviest weights.
This is from February 2009, after I got married. I did lose about 20-25 pounds for the wedding.
This is one of the hardest pictures to see because it was taken while I was wearing clothes that truly show my body. I was about 15 lbs. lighter than my heaviest weight. It was the morning of my surgery, the day my life changed, on 10/8/2009.
Here are some afters:
One of my favorite afters in March 2011
More of a full shot March 2011, I wish I wasn't fidgeting.
After climbing to the top of Piestewa Peak for the first time in March 2011.
January 2011, when I thought I was "comfortable" and not prepared to go the distance. I am still happy with the way I look, but I feel better now that I've lost another 6-8 lbs. since this.
I'm learning a lot about being effective in the gym. It's my second week with seeing my trainers 3x's a week and I am working hard. Hope to show some more "afters" soon!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Mammoth Lakes, CA - Scenery
Sunday, May 9, 2010
A Million Emotions in a Single Minute
I haven't posted a blog here in sometime because I've spent a lot of time on my other blog. I debated whether to post anything at all since I'm going to share something quite personal. I've, obviously, made the decision that sharing this is important for a multitude of reasons.
I have an event coming up that I have to work. This is an annual event and I typically don't buy anything new. I rummage through my closet and try to piece together something that I already own. Afterall, no one is spending anytime looking at me. I just work the event. I should say that this event is cocktail attire. I've worn anything from a suit to a dress.
If you've been following my blog, you know that I had weight loss surgery last October. I don't speak much about it anymore since I've consistently lost weight, but it has been slowly. I don't have any words of wisdom to share about my experience since I pretty much eat like a normal person, just a lot less. Additionally, I've had approximately four fills and they've all gone about the same as I described in this blog except they don't really hurt and I've gone to the last two by myself. Of course, a staff person has to hold my hand and talk me through it. I have 6.5ccs in my band and I'm nearly at the "sweet spot" that they describe as being the perfect opening. I've lost approximately 45 pounds. I feel great. This is a very, very slow process - but, I'm still losing.
I had a fill last Thursday. Yesterday, I headed to Macy's to see if I couldn't find a shrug for the size 16 dress that I have that now fits me... um... from maybe six years ago? It's one of those little black dresses that never goes out of style and it's made by Jones New York, which seems to be a little on the timeless side. I was excited this dress fit, but not surprised since that designer seems to be cut a bit larger.
Once at Macy's, I took the escalator to the third floor where the plus size section is. I'm used to going to the third floor; it's what I know. I haven't needed to buy clothing in a long time. I have a lot of clothing, in an array of sizes and a friend gave me some clothing as well. No shopping for me. I started to peruse the aisles, trying to find a shrug (or jacket) for this dress and nothing. Everything was looking big to me. I don't know why it hadn't before. Even the smaller sizes. I decided to push my luck and head to the second floor. A floor I had never been on, except for shoes.
They had a Jones New York section and since I knew that I could get into my dress - I decided to try on a sweater and a suit jacket. The sweater was cute, but not right for the dress. The jacket fit, but was $200. I thought, well if there is a pair of pants for this suit jacket, perhaps it's a sign. I found the coordinating pants in a size 16 (not a plus size 16, a regular 16) and returned to the dressing room. Tried them on and they fit. That's when I felt a million emotions in a single minute.
I started to cry in the dressing room on the second floor at Macy's. I was on the second floor, trying on something that fit. Was I now only going to shop on the second floor? Should I buy this, what if I gain weight and it doesn't fit? It's expensive, but it fits! All of the shame that I had been feeling about my size started to surface too - I felt a mixture of relief, but of intense fear. Do I look good? What if I still look big and people are thinking, "that girl is fat". More crying. I sat down for a bit and tried to soak in the situation. I tried to have the moment and let it pass. I know that a lot of plus size girls that lose weight have described a sort of comfort that came with being rounder and once they lose some weight, they feel exposed. I felt that too. I felt embarrassed to be the largest girl on the 2nd floor at Macy's, but also excited to be on the second floor!!! I finally calmed down and walked out of the dressing room thinking, "my husband will kill me if I spend $300" - let's see what else might fit and be less money.
I went over to suits to see what jackets I might be able to find. I pulled about 6 suits in size 16 and then I saw this beautiful 2-piece outfit. It had a very structured white wrap shirt with a pair of black pants. I went into the dressing room and started to try the various clothing on. Some of it fit better than others, but nothing was talking to me like that suit, until I tried on the pants and the wrap shirt. The pants were biggish on me (in a correct way for the style) and the shirt was tailored and tapered perfectly. I lost it again. I realized that this outfit needed to come home with me. I bought it and a shrug (for that little black dress) and headed out to the car. I lost it a little more.
I did what every girl does and called my Mom. Speaking to her, I realized that most of what I was feeling was fear and conditioning. It is very exciting, but I still want to move forward in my journey. I don't feel like I'm done yet. I feel like I've just started and that there ARE a million more emotions to feel about this process.
Monday, March 1, 2010
2 Blogs ARE More Fun!!!
I just wanted to mention that I've started a new blog for those of you interested in fiber-related things. I felt like I had enough stuff to keep two separate blogs... so this one is for non-related fiber things and fibergalinphx will be for my fibery stuff.
Thanks to those of you that read my blog, it makes me feel interesting.
Thanks to those of you that read my blog, it makes me feel interesting.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
3rd Annual Old Friends, New Memories
The 3rd annual Old Friends, New Memories party took place on February 13, 2010.
It was great to see everyone - some I've seen more recently than others. The Old Friends, New Memories party was Leslie and Monica's brain child a few years back. A good way for people to observe the Valentine's Day weekend with some of the folks that they care about the most and have been in their life for a good long time. I've known these folks since the early 90's - over 15+ years!
Here's some of my favorite photos from the night:
Leslie & Karen
Ryan & Danny
Dan and his girlfriend (who was lovely, but whose name escapes me at the moment)
I love this series of photos of Dain and Sherry-
Sara & Yanko
Karen & Danny
John was giving such "good face" that night
Sheldon & Sarah
I'm surprised that I didn't manage to get pictures of a few other peeps... thanks to Renee, Ed, Heather, Patrick, Sammy, the one who shall not be named, Ben and Nick for attending too! I had a blast and love all of you and I didn't even get upset when (the next day) when my husband and I didn't observe Valentine's Day. You made my weekend!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Help me win!!!
It's my first SAL (spin-a-long) and I really want to win!!! You may recall my last blog that described my Fairy Candy yarn. It's time to vote and I need your help to win! Please vote! My yarn is #8. Voting is open until 2/11. Thanks all!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Fairy Candy for an SAL
It's hard to believe that fiber has become an integral part of who I am only within the last year. I can't imagine myself not playing with yarn in some form or fashion- whether it's spinning, knitting, weaving, dyeing, etc.
I recently participated in my very first SAL (spin along) and it was a ton of fun. I was a little intimidated, initially, since I'm a newer spinner and people (I don't know) were going to be judging my yarn.
I purchased the fiber from Fluffington Farms on Etsy. When it arrived, I knew it was far different than anything I had ever spun and that was exciting. A mixture of ribbon ends, glittery tinsel, bamboo, silk, mohair, thread and a whole lot of other stuff - I wasn't sure how to tackle the endeavor. I asked around and a friend suggested that I hand card it into some lovely pink Pagewood Farms BFL that I had bought from TYF.

I spun it up on my Lendrum (my spinning wheel) into a thick and thin single.

Then I took a Regia sock yarn (a commercial yarn) and used it as a core to make coiled yarn on the Country Spinner wheel at TYF. The Country Spinner is a wheel predominantly used to make thicker yarn.

I'm calling the yarn "Fairy Candy". I ended up with 56 yards and still have more fiber to make more, if I choose. Yum!

I recently participated in my very first SAL (spin along) and it was a ton of fun. I was a little intimidated, initially, since I'm a newer spinner and people (I don't know) were going to be judging my yarn.
I purchased the fiber from Fluffington Farms on Etsy. When it arrived, I knew it was far different than anything I had ever spun and that was exciting. A mixture of ribbon ends, glittery tinsel, bamboo, silk, mohair, thread and a whole lot of other stuff - I wasn't sure how to tackle the endeavor. I asked around and a friend suggested that I hand card it into some lovely pink Pagewood Farms BFL that I had bought from TYF.
I spun it up on my Lendrum (my spinning wheel) into a thick and thin single.
Then I took a Regia sock yarn (a commercial yarn) and used it as a core to make coiled yarn on the Country Spinner wheel at TYF. The Country Spinner is a wheel predominantly used to make thicker yarn.
I'm calling the yarn "Fairy Candy". I ended up with 56 yards and still have more fiber to make more, if I choose. Yum!
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