Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fairy Candy for an SAL

It's hard to believe that fiber has become an integral part of who I am only within the last year. I can't imagine myself not playing with yarn in some form or fashion- whether it's spinning, knitting, weaving, dyeing, etc.

I recently participated in my very first SAL (spin along) and it was a ton of fun. I was a little intimidated, initially, since I'm a newer spinner and people (I don't know) were going to be judging my yarn.

I purchased the fiber from Fluffington Farms on Etsy. When it arrived, I knew it was far different than anything I had ever spun and that was exciting. A mixture of ribbon ends, glittery tinsel, bamboo, silk, mohair, thread and a whole lot of other stuff - I wasn't sure how to tackle the endeavor. I asked around and a friend suggested that I hand card it into some lovely pink Pagewood Farms BFL that I had bought from TYF.

I spun it up on my Lendrum (my spinning wheel) into a thick and thin single.

Then I took a Regia sock yarn (a commercial yarn) and used it as a core to make coiled yarn on the Country Spinner wheel at TYF. The Country Spinner is a wheel predominantly used to make thicker yarn.

I'm calling the yarn "Fairy Candy". I ended up with 56 yards and still have more fiber to make more, if I choose. Yum!

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