Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Adventures in Dyeing

Sam came over today. It was the first time that I had company (besides Mom & DH) and I was happy. First, we walked after I oogled over her new hair style. She is so fierce!

We decided to take a trip up to a new yarn/fiber store that's close to my house. I don't intend to call this place home, but I wanted to check it out. Mostly, my interest was piqued by the different fibers available. I had ventured there once before, but it was closed. There is no sign outside, but there is a banner in the door.

I bought some cashmere. I haven't spun with cashmere and Sam & I have been wanting to do some dyeing. We grabbed our 8 oz. and headed to Target for some Kool Aid. They had 3 kinds, we opted for cherry and grape. Looked up some instructions online, thank you free web resources, and got home to go to work.

Love for the kool aid.

Fiber in the pot and on the stove for its dye bath

Stirrin' up the fiber... yummy grape

Dryin' the fiber...

After the grape goodness, we made some red loveliness.

It's all outside now drying on the drying rack, woohoo! Can't wait to spin it up!

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