On a regular basis I eat a breakfast cereal that I've dubbed "Oaties", like Wheaties, only different. The recipe comes from Jennifer Cornbleet's Raw Food Made Easy book. The "Oaties" consist of rolled oats, sunflower seeds, crushed almonds, raisins and agave nectar. Sometimes, I slice a banana and put it over the cereal; you could also use strawberries or another type of berry. Then, I pour almond milk over the cereal. The recipe for almond milk comes from her book, but it is uber easy. Soaked almonds (1.5 c), soaked dates (3), 2.5c of H2O. Then, you run the mixture through a blender to liquefy and a sprout bag to strain it. I had to learn this the hard way; I was using cheesecloth and it was a big mess.
This morning I opened up a milk-free capsule of acidophilus and put it into my cereal. I am starting to become interested in the benefits of probiotics.
Well, it's off to get ready for work.
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