Thursday, February 5, 2009

Raw Relief

Ben and I went to Madala Tea Room for dinner, so I could officially have something to eat.  I had their beet raw-violi, which is delicious.  I prefer turnips to beets in my raw-violi, but their cheese sauce (pine nuts, etc.) and marinara is far superior to the one I make.

Then, we went to whole foods so I could get a few things... produce, living corn chips (by Leaf Cuisine), sunflower seed living bread, etc.  When we got home, I made some guacamole - mashed avocados, tomatoes, salt, pepper and a touch of lemon juice.  I'm enjoying some of the corn chips with my guacamole.  Can't eat too much, I'm just not that hungry.

I'm also drinking my Synergy Trilogy drink.  I only buy one a week usually and try to make it last a few days.  It's so expensive.  I love it because it's naturally carbonated, so it's like drinking raw soda.  

I feel really good and happy.  I am still a little sad that I didn't make it through the cleanse, but I just love the raw food!

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