Saturday, February 7, 2009

Buy Local!

Thanks to our friends, Pat and Roberta, we pick up CSA groceries every Saturday from Unlimited Coffee.  It was one of the best wedding gifts we got and we think of them every week.  It's a joy to go pick up the bag and find out what it's in it.

Today, Ben made steamed kale and cooked beets- both from our grab bag.  I didn't try either, since they were cooked, but I always enjoy the carrots.  They don't even need to be peeled, they are so good!  

It's great to support local farming.  We love that we are cutting down on the gas that it takes to deliver the groceries.  We are also composting, which is another great way to recycle.  The City of Phoenix offers a compost bin for $5- you can't beat that!
A picture of the compost bin:



Unknown said...

I need to see if City of MEsa offers that too

Jodels said...

You can get one from the City of Phoenix even if you don't live in the City of Phoenix ;)